Big, deep breaths...

Today was our big ultrasound for Miss Charlotte.  Of course, we already knew she was a girl.  She made that quite clear a few weeks ago.  Today, though, I was anxious to be sure all was well everywhere else.  We saw the 4 chambers of her heart, her kidneys, her bladder, tummy, cute little feet, and she was not going to let us get a profile of her face.  She was much too comfy with her hands up by her face.  She kept turning her face away from us instead of turning so we could get the profile shot.  She is a busy little wiggle worm and kept the ultrasound tech. working trying to see everything. 

 One thing we couldn't get a clear look at at first was her umbilical cord.  Finally, we were able to see it, and we found out that she does not have the typical 3 vessel (one artery, 2 veins) cord.  She has a two vessel cord - one artery, one vein.  If you would like to know what that means biologically, Google it - and read it from a medical website. Basically, it means instead of two veins taking blood away from the baby back to me, there is only one doing that.  The artery is still doing it's job....taking blood to the baby.  So one going in, one going out...instead of two going out.  This can mean different things in different situations.  A lot of time it is an implication of chromosomal abnormalities.  However, I've already undergone that testing, and she is very low risk for any chromosomal abnormalities (she scored even lower than Collen did).  The main thing we will be watching is her growth, movement, and fluid.  I will go in for more frequent ultrasounds, and we will keep track of how she is growing.  So far, she is right on target and looks great anatomically.  All of her organs look good...we couldn't see her hands (just fists), but I did see five toes on each foot.  Everything looks good....just going to have to monitor her more closely.

With all of that said, and everyone assuring me that this isn't highly unusual and most babies with 2 vessel cords end up being fine, I'm still just trying to hold myself together.  At the appointment today, I was able to stay positive and hopeful.  As the day went on, I got more and more worried.  Every possible thing that could go wrong popped into my head.  God knows that I struggle most with fear and worry....if He wasn't testing me before now, I think He definitely is now.  I'm going to do my best to trust Him and His will.  I will believe that the odds are in our favor and give the rest to Him.  It's in His hands ultimately, anyway.  

For the next 22 weeks, I'll just be taking a lot of deep, deep breaths.  I already adore this little girl so much....I need her to be okay.

Some pictures we were able to get from our little wiggle worm...


Sweet little foot :)


  1. I'm sitting here not sure if I should tell my story, thinking not but if you want to read it, check out my blog. I will just say to take the extra monitoring and do kick counts and all that stuff. Everything else is out of your control, as hard as it is. I will be praying your sweet girl arrives healthy and screaming!

  2. Lindsay, I am 35 weeks pregnant with our 4th baby... also with a double vessel cord. All is going great. Just wanted to be a plug of positive for you tonight. Congratulations!

    1. Thank you!! Made me feel a lot better. Congrats to you, too!

  3. Lily was a 2-vessel cord baby as well. It's a scary thing wondering 'what if????'--especially in your situation. I remember expecting the worst--but so far we've been blessed with a healthy little girl. Hang in there--we love you guys!

  4. I will be praying for you and Miss Charlotte!

  5. Waiting this morning for my 8 month old granddaughter Haven to come for a visit. She too was a 2 vessel baby and she is PERFECT!

  6. I gave you the Liebster! Check it out here:

  7. Praying that she will be healthy!!!

  8. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. I have a very close friend whose first pregnancy with her son had this same two vessel cord. He was born perfect. May God bless you with perfection.

  9. Your sweet little girl will be in my thoughts and prayers! Love her photos :)

  10. Love you girl! Just one more thing we are privileged to pray for! Hope, peace and comfort...for you. Health, strength and sassiness... For baby girl!

  11. Love ultrasound pics. Pregnancy is so amazing. I'll be praying for you and your sweet girl. God is in control!

  12. praying for you and Charlotte and thinking of Ayden always.

  13. sending a prayer that everything will be ok!

  14. The one thing you know is that God has already written the entire story of Charlotte. I am praying for your family, trusting in His perfect plan for you and your daughter.
