This Week

  This week has been a normal...but pretty big week around here.  Check it out:

Collen calls Sesame Street "Mus Street." He likes to pull out all of his figurines (I'll be sure to get a picture of all of them next time because there are about 10 or so of them) and put them into their little Sesame Street scene/carrier/whatever-you-call-it.  He can name every single one of them.

Right now, Collen is really into building.  Mainly, he asks to build a store or a house, or in this case, a zoo.  He loves to hold toys that will fit in his hand, so these animals are perfect for him.  Grandma bought him some dinosaurs like this, and we play with them every single day!

He said, "'Countie' is a good friend."

A little late, but here is Miss Charlotte's 5 month picture!!  One day, I'll have a top-of-the-line, professional camera, and take some awesome pictures. 

She is just the sweetest thing.

Charlotte's new skill this week grasping for - and grabbing onto - toys or anything she can hair...pillows on the couch...the dog.

 Look at them.  I love this picture...even Charlotte's red eye. I'm so glad I captured them together like this.  I laid Charlotte down with Collen while we said prayers, and she rolled right over and reached for him.  She loves her brother.

Love the way she is looking at him.

Sooner than we had planned, but yes... we got a dog.  I had been applying with rescue organizations with no luck. They won't allow you to rescue a puppy with small children in the house.  However, my argument against rescuing an older dog was that the kids would get attached and then we would have to face another loss much sooner than expected.  I'm not against rescuing an older dog - if it was just me and Jeremy, I'd definitely do that.  But, you also don't know how an older dog will tolerate loud noises and the energy that comes with kids.  I understand their reasoning.  So, with all of that in mind, I wasn't really seriously searching, just seeing what our options were.  Then, a co-worked told me about this little lady.  She was living in a storage tub out in the cold.  She had another puppy sharing the tub with her, but that puppy froze to death one night.  Just a terrible situation.  So, the person who rescued her told my co-worker, and my co-worker told us.  We decided to at least meet her.  She is the sweetest, cutest thing.  We have no clue what she is a mix of (any ideas? We're thinking possibly sheltie?) And she seems to really like us.  She loves to play and really loves to be in your lap enjoying a tummy rub. She is such a sweet, loving dog who seems very grateful to have a safe place to call home.  We are working on house-training.  The wonderful thing is, she WILL walk on a leash, AND she gets along well with Gracie.  I'm so very thankful for both of these things.  Tucker could not help that it was his natural nervousness that led us not to be able to use the leash, but Lord knows we tried and tried to get him to use it.  With her, I was determined that she was going to walk on the leash no matter what. Luckily, she took to it fine.  

Her name is Scout - or, formally, "Jean Louise Finch" You know I have to get literary with it!

Here are some videos for you to enjoy:

 Charlotte giving Daddy kisses:

 Being silly



  1. Wow. She looks just like my childhood dog he was a chihuahua terrier or so animal cntrol said. She is adorable. I could see none of the videos though. Congrats on rescuing a dog.

  2. Seeing your family smile while Ayden is in Heaven gives me so much hope. Your blog gave me so much hope in the very beginning. Thank you for continuing to blog and let us all see a glimpse of your life. Thank you for continuing to follow our little love's blog, too.
