No glucose test.....

So, I got to the appointment and they told me I had been mischeduled. So, I have to go back next Thursday morning. They still let me have a check up, so I was measured for the first time, and I'm measuring exactly as I should be. I heard Ayden's heartbeat, as usual, and it was in the 150s. Woo! Our little man is going strong! :) I love hearing his heartbeat every time I go to my appointments. It never gets old! They also checked my weight and blood pressure, both of which were really good. I've gained 8 pounds in 26 weeks....which I'm really shocked about! I knew I hadn't gained much, but it was lower than I thought. 8 pounds is good for me, though. I don't need to gain a lot of weight.

It did stink not to be able to do the glucose screening. I had gone all day long without any sugar to be told I wouldn't be having the screening. grrrr... I resolved that by treating myself to a milkshake. :)

I haven't said much about work. I have 3 new classes of students, one of which will be taught by my intern all semester (until she graduates). So far I like my students. My tenth graders are a little chatty and immature, but that usually comes along with tenth graders. I'm also teaching 2 senior English classes: one of 34 students, the other - 18. I'm teaching the tenth graders and honors seniors (the group of 18). I was a little greedy and took both honors classes, but as I've said before...I earned those classes. My intern needs to experience a standard class...especially a large one. She had her first observation. No big problems - her supervisor had the same concerns I had, so we're all on the same page. I think she'll improve as the weeks go on and she gets more comfortable in front of the class. to re-watch LOST. I got up at 1:05 last night to watch it since our local channel decided the Carolina game was more important. It was good, but I don't remember all the details. Tomorrow's Friday! Woo!

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