I wasn't always the person I am now.
I used to be pretty fearless, and I don't recall being very paranoid.
Then, I had a baby. I read about SIDS. Then, I experienced SIDS.
You may be saying, "She left out the pregnancy. The pregnancy didn't scare her?" Oddly enough, no. I realize now that I was completely naive in my pregnancy with Ayden.....totally innocent. Honestly, I think my mindset was, "As long as I take my prenatal vitamins, everything will be fine." I wasn't worried about miscarriage (I didn't fit the "mold"....well, my son didn't fit the "mold" either....we're proof that "molds" are overrated), I didn't even know what incompetent cervix was. Stillbirth? Does that happen anymore? Pre-eclampsia - my blood pressure is always fine, and I haven't had any swelling. All other possible complications - my response was, "I'm too young for that." These were my naive thoughts.
I've made it to 15 weeks and 2 days with baby #2, and I have lived in fear and paranoia with each passing day. I research any possible thing that could go wrong, and I read story after horrifying story as a way of "preparing myself" for the worst. Because really....I've lived the WORST....how much worse could it get? Every twinge, every move I make, every choice I make to eat or drink anything (the worst imaginable thing being a Diet Coke, which worries me because of caffeine - caffeine scares me, and I know it isn't a big deal!!! Do you see how paranoid I am?!) I wake up each morning expecting that day to be the day this child is taken from me just like Ayden was. How do I ever leave this child unattended once he/she is born? How do I ever trust this child with anyone else ever again? How do I let go of the fear and just trust?
I operate on the "if" mindset now. "If" I make it this far in my pregnancy. "If" this child is born. "If" God allows us to keep this child. "If" this child reaches 6 months old. No more "when" thoughts.
Losing Ayden ripped so much from me. I feel like I'm never going to live life as I used to. I know I won't look at things through the same perspective...ever again. I don't want our future children to see me as someone who is jaded....hanging on to one event that devastated me and brought my world crashing down....unable to move past that moment. But, I don't know how not to be that person right now. With time, I know things will change, but it's hard to see past all of it right now.
I'm not a big picture person anymore. I used to be able to look at the big picture and see the scope of everything. I can't see past tomorrow....and seeing tomorrow is stretching it. Another result of losing Ayden. Our "big picture" with Ayden was ripped apart, and we were forced to live minute to minute....day to day. So now, I focus on getting through the day and waiting to see what is in store for the next day.....with no expectations at all.
I feel like I'm trying, but if I'm honest with myself, I know I'm not trying hard enough. April 27 is staring me in the face....coming much too soon. Sooner than I thought it would. I don't know how to handle that day. I want to do something special, but I don't want a big "to-do" either. I don't want people to think less of me if I don't make his birthday a huge deal. I know they wouldn't, but still....the thought runs through my mind. And what if no one remembers his birthday? How do I handle that? It's all so hard....and I don't know how to take it all in. I don't want to be told how to spend that day.....to be told what we should do. But I don't want to approach that day as a day to just "get through" because it most certainly is not that kind of day. I want to celebrate Ayden and the life that he lived and continues to live. I want to celebrate his joy, his happiness, his big personality, and all that he IS to us and the many people his life has touched. But I don't like that I have to spend his birthday without him. And that one single thought is what is making this so hard.
Jeremy and I celebrated our nephew's first birthday this past weekend. It was great to see Wesley reach this milestone, and I was so happy to be able to share it with him. It was hard, but I wouldn't have missed it for anything. It's hard not to wallow in the fact that we will never have that with Ayden. I tried to push those thoughts out of my mind as I watched Wesley with his cake...opening toys....waddling around. I won't get any of it with Ayden. As soon as those thoughts enter my mind, I remind myself that I won't get any of it HERE......but I will celebrate with him one day. That one little reminder is enough to take the edge off.....just a little. Don't get me wrong....99%o of the time, the "what ifs" and the "whys" take center stage. That one little glimmer of hope helps, though.
I pray that God will continue to see us through. He has brought us a long way already....even though we stumble along most days. Not knowing what the future holds is what scares me the most. I can hope that this new child is going to be with us for a loooooong time, but I'm not promised that. I'm not promised that I won't ever go through this again (although I beg and plead with God every single day to please not put me through this again). We aren't promised all the good and pleasing things. We are only promised that God will never leave us or forsake us (even when we feel like He has completely abandoned us.). I'm still working on believing that 100%, but I do know it's true.
Please pray that the fear and paranoia begin to subside as my pregnancy (God-willing) continues to progress. Selfishly, I pray that the coming months and weeks go by so incredibly quickly that we'll be in the short rows before we know it. I want to find peace again; I feel it slooowly creeping back in from time to time, so I know it's a realistic goal. It's just going to take time. And I hope God gives us a lot of time.....the three(four) of us. I could ask you to pray for all sorts of things, but if those things are not God's will....there's no point. So, all I can ask is that you pray for God's will for us to be granted....whatever it may be.
Thank you all for your encouragement, kind words, and prayers. You have no idea how much of a comfort you have been. I wish I could thank you all personally for the help you have been throughout all of this. Please know that we read every comment and email, and we appreciate your thoughts and prayers so much. Thank you for remembering Ayden for continuing to check in just to see his beautiful face. And thank you for the little things like saying his name, telling us you told Ayden's story, sharing that you thought of Ayden today and smiled, or just including him by saying "the four of you." You all mean so much to us, and we have been so blessed by you.