
A few pics from yesterday

I stole these from my friend, Lauren's, blog. Go on over and read her full post on yesterday's service.

She got a good shot of our "after" picture - when we turned our cardboard pieces over. As you can see....I was barely holding it together.
And if you look over Jeremy's right shoulder, you'll see the beautiful blonde lady who is in the wheelchair. I have mentioned her several times in my blog. She is one of my newest best friends - her name is Jill. Check out her blog and her story. She is at the top of my list of personal heroes, and I love her so very much. Jill has ALS, and it hurts to watch this disease continuing to take away from her, but as it takes away....Christ continues to replace what is taken by grace, hope, comfort, and perseverance. I have never been one to be in awe of many people because seriously....we're all pretty ordinary most of the time...but I am in awe of Jill and her husband, Cliff. They keep going....good or bad....they just keep going because they trust God and His promises. I know this disease will take Jill one day, and I will ache in her absence, but I will be so joyful knowing that she will finally be where she so longs to be!

Here is a group shot of everyone up on stage:

Hopefully, the video will be up soon so you guys can see the whole thing. I'll post it here once it's available.



  1. good job! I haven't posted my pictures yet. . . too busy. . .

  2. Hi Lindsay, I have never commented before; I only just found your blog a few weeks ago. First and foremost, my heart goes out to you and Jeremy - what a journey; thank you so much for sharing it with "blog world"!
    After I read your post about the Cardboard Testimonies, I had to find some on YouTube. I had never heard of these. Right now I am trying to find my way back to a church, and lucky for me I have a 2 wonderful friends helping me! I was in tears watching the Testimonies! WOW! What a wonderful way to show how God has changed your life! I was amazed...
    I wanted to also mention your friend Jill, with ALS. My dear friend just lost her 5 month old son to SMA, it will be a year on the 14th. SMA is very similar to ALS, only it affects infants, and most never make it to their first birthday. Right now, there is a family in CA with a daughter with SMA, and they are doing everything in their power to find a cure. If/when a cure is found, it will include ALS, and possible treatments for other similar diseases. Facebook is having a contest of sorts, called Chase Community Giving, and every vote counts. (Sorry this is getting so long) If they win, $1 million will be awarded, and every penny will go to research...a cure is within reach! If you feel led, please visit Gwendolyn's blog, she is such a beautiful little girl. Her parents have blogged about the research, and the other diseases this potential cure could cover (I have forgotten, but I do know that ALS is one of them!). Her blog is http://www.gwendolynstrong.com/

    Again, sorry this was so long, I had a lot I wanted to say.
    I have enjoyed reading your blog, you are an inspiration to many mothers out here. I am so thankful for my many blessings, in part because of your sweet Ayden. In his short little life, he has touched many hearts!
    God Bless you and Jeremy!


  3. I saw the cardboard testimonies video before and it's quite moving! I know it had to be difficult but I'm sure you inspired some people who witnessed it!

  4. This is a very powerful thing! Our church did this last year! What a blessing.

  5. I see the photo of the two of you and ask God "How could You?"

    I guess we'll never understand, I guess He didn't "do" it, but He is all powerful, so at some level my human spirit asks again "How could You?"

    I'll never understand the suffering and sadness that is woven into this world, the known and unknown. None of it makes sense.

    You have amazing grace, the two of you. The kind of grace that saves, the kind that is so obviously God at work in your lives.

  6. This brought tears to my eyes. Thanks for sharing your wonderful friend, she is an amazing person, I enjoyed reading her blog, it touched me. I will keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers.
    love you - Kelley
